Saturday, June 18, 2011

Welcome back!

Welcome back to Room 10's Young Achievers blog! This week in class and playground we are really working hard to show RESPECT to others and our awesome environment. Post some suggestions that you think will help others to reflect on this important value around our school. Kia Kaha :-)


  1. we show respect all the time by using manners and listening

  2. Please and thank you can go a long way. (Jamin)

  3. Great work Jamin and Christian - thank you for your efforts this morning. Keep up the great work!

  4. i saw a student saying good morning to adults in the school. (Keziah)

  5. yesterday every one in the bus thanked the bus driver after we got off the bus(Liban)

  6. Tomorrow we got sports and we want to thank the coaches for training us hard and thank the bus driver for taking us there (Vehar)

  7. On friday we have healty heros and everyone is always saying thank you for what they have made and i just want to say thank you to those that provids the program.
