Friday, September 16, 2011

The Language of Success!

We have been discussing the "language of success" recently. Your task this week is to find a quote or statement relating to success and state how it can apply to students your age. Remember ... "success is a journey, not a destination!"


  1. "Failure is the mother of success."

    This quote means that for someone to succeed, they must first endure failure. Everyone must learn from their mistakes for them to not repeat it again. Even small children can relate to this quote because they learn from spilling drinks while pouring carelessly. So next time, they would watch the receiving cup and pour it in small amounts to avoid the same error. Students our age could relate to this quote with things like time management. If you weren't able to hand in work on the right time, most people would prioritise and change their schedule to make sure it would be completed to avoid the awaiting consequences.

    Jamin :D

  2. "When nothing goes right go left."

    This quote means when your in tough situations and nothing goes as you plan you try different things to complete it.

    Friday, rugby fun day. I was the only senior or yr 7&8 in my team for the first half and I had to cope with teams with alot of seniors so it was hard for me.

    When nothing goes right you give up! (don't go with that quote!)

  3. For every problem there is an always a solution it’s a positive and negative thing. Your job is to find the solution.

    That means a little bit like don’t give up.So if you have a problem and you don’t fix it, or find the solution then the problem will not be solved and get worse and worse.So if you solve it then the problem will disappear.


  4. "Without God nothing is impossible"

    This quote means, in everything you do just have faith and it will be possible so dont give up and always believe in yourself and you will succeed in life.

    Example:When I was trying to do handstand I tryed and tryed, I said to my self I cant do it, but my brother said never say can't beacause you can you just have to believe you can and it will hzppen so everyday I would try and try and now im nerly there.

    So never give up and always believe in yourself and you will go far in life. :)

  5. "Suffer now enjoy later

    This quote means to me suffer now by learning your times tables and read so then later it can be very useful later on in your daily.So if you do all your homework and learn everything that there is to learn in your year level then everything will be a lot easier.

  6. When it comes to you, just grab it. Don't wait anymore before it’s too late.
    This quote means to me to do well to get up a level before it’s too late, and to ask for help so later in life I know that I’m successful.
    E.g. Work hard before you go to high school because if you don’t you fail instead of the word, “success”.
    By Helena (=

  7. "No pain no game"
    This quote means you have to do your own work before playing or you will not learn anything
    for example,when I was a little kid I decided not to do my homework.On Friday I had to do at mornig tea time and from that day on I decided to do my homework before playing.
    by Liban da man

  8. "Life is hard but you can get through it"

    This quote means when life is hard you don't
    just stop and give up you get through it and succeed and then you can do anything if you can put your mind to it

    By Zac

  9. "Success doesn't come to you?you go to it."

    This means that if you are good at something let's say Jimmy is good at the drums and nobody will know because you need to get It out there instead of waiting for success to come to you if you do , honestly do you think it will Come?also success is a everlasting journey not a gift to you

    Practice makes success. Not luck

  10. Also your journey If success never ends that means you have forever to gain it

  11. success consists of going failure to failure with out loss of enthusium

    I think this quote means that no matter how many times you fail you shouldnt give up,you should keep trying

  12. success isn't permenant and failure isn't fatal

    this means you need to fail to succed and once you reach success you still have to keep trying otherwise you will fail again



    this is a good one to remember due to the fact that we like to give up and fail . but when we fail we blame it on our parents and teachers. and yet if we commit ourselves we can actuly do it , it doesn't matter what but we can succeed.we will also have a finish product and be happy.

    cjadams is awesome

  14. "Don't get a cross, get a tick."
    This quote means not to copy somebodies work, because you might get it wrong, just stay focus on your own work, you might get it right.

    E.G: I was doing my assessment, I was copying my friend's work, and I got it wrong. The next day, we have an exam, I didn't copy anyone and I got it right.

  15. "If you wish to reach at the highest
    begin at the lowest first"

    This quote means that if you wish to reach the highest begin at the lowest fist because if you just like rushing to reach the highest and maybe later on you just got fail that's why you have to begin at the lowest first.

    Other term:
    If you want to make your dreams come true, the first thing you have to do is wake up.


  16. The ones who don't make mistakes is the person who doesn't do anything at all.

    This means that you have to keep trying to get it right because on Tuesday I fell of my scooter and hit my head and so I try'd again and made it.


  17. "A life without school will get you nowhere in life"....

    This quoet means without school or learning,it may lead you nowhere in the future. Also it may effect what your children may think about this. For example your kids would want to do the same and that would mean they would miss out on thier change to be a better person and dont make the same mistake as you did in the pass......."Learn from your mistakes and dont let your kids do the same!!!!!

  18. "Commit yourself to action by inveating in success".

    This means when we first come up wit an ideas our heards are filled with thoughts and a plan of action.The problem is that good ideas dont go anywhere on their own.

    By Nofoa!

  19. i spelt with wrong!


  20. "you have only ONE life LIVE IT."

    My quote means that when you set goals its important to reach them because after all life is to short. There comes a time in life when you have to forget the pointless drama and the people who create it and surround yourself with people who make you laugh so hard that you forget all the bad. You only have one life so what ever you use it for is your choice so live your life and make sure you live it like you mean it

  21. "Believe and you shall succeed"

    This quote means to me is that if you believe in what you want to do you will succeed.

    e.g:My homework was really hard but i believed in myself and I succeeded.The next day I went to school and the teacher said that you have done an exelent job klayton if you keep going like this you will be successful.

  22. If your success is not on your own terms, if it looks good to the world but does not feel good in your heart, it is not success at all.

    This quote means if you don't feel you have done any-thing to deserve succsse that it is not succss meaning you havn't succeeded in any-thing
    by Ethan.B

  23. yes i posted =L

  24. Take hope from your heart and you'll have eagle's heart.

    This mean is if you belive yourself and don't give up by an accident you'll have strong heart like eagle's charisma.

  25. "If you doesn't believe yourself the biggest problem of you will be yourself."
    This quato means if you believe yourself you can sucess, bu if you don't you can't do something well.

    by Emily.S

  26. I spellt don't to doesn't, suceed to sucess, anything to something and but to bu.


  27. If your to big You wont fail

    if your starting in school and your not that smart then you think you wont be smart enough you might give up but if you challenge yourself and get a high marks then you could get a job that you may progress through and the you could be in one of the biggest resturants or banks and if you work hard to stay big its less likly to fail

    by michael
