Saturday, October 29, 2011

Narrative Writing

The two kids crept quietly down the spooky corridor when all of a sudden out of nowhere ...
Complete this piece of writing in 150 - 200 words, ensuring you give the reader a clear outline of the characters involved. Happy writing!


  1. The two kids crept quietly down the spooky corridor when all of a sudden out of nowhere they got into the house. The door just went flying open and they fell in to the house. There was a scream heard coming from one off the rooms so Nikki got scared. She had with blue orange hair and a blue t-shirt on and a yellow jersey on. The boy had the same clothes on so they both went up the stairs they heard ghost in the house they got scared but the have to look around the house to see if their baby brother is in the he is wearing black gloves a green Adidas t-shirt black shorts his name is bob he is no where to be found they don’t like this house.
    They might have to stay in this house for a long time. There are no lights around the house.
    They only have a torch that is the only have one light. Later on there was the baby brother bob but he was turned into a zombie and after that they tried to get out off the house but the door was locked so they could not get out. Off the house so they had to sleep in there for the night in the old spooky house……………………………………………………………… :)


  2. The haunted house

    The two kids crept quietly down the spooky corridor when all of a sudden out of nowhere the lights went out. Trying to hide his fear, Tommy smoothed down his shirt over his chubby tummy and complained he was hungry. It always helped to talk about food. Meanwhile Jessica, who was leading the way, hastily grabbed a torch out of her backpack and flicked it on. She was afraid of the dark. Tommy and Jessica were both wearing their school uniform, a pale blue t-shirt and a yellow leathery jacket along with some black shorts. As the two siblings made their way through the gloomy house they had a sudden feeling that they were being watched, Jessica’s hair stood on end and she darted her eyes around looking for any sign of life… But there was nothing to be seen. Then suddenly, Jessica felt her plaited hair get caught in something so she flicked her hair round to see a tangled heap of sticky substance wrapped around it, along with a spider! Jessica screamed and screamed, her freckles seemed to be screaming with her. Tommy shrieked and started dusting imaginary spiders off himself while paying no attention to the looming figure just ahead of them…

    Jamin 208 words

  3. …They heard a door creeping open “hello is anyone home” screamed John “maybe we should just go home” whispered Nicole in terror “on the count of three” replied John “one, two, three” they both murmured . The two of them sprinted in fright to the door, when they reached the door it wouldn’t open THEY WERE TRAPPED!!! The two kids looked around for something to break a window with … nothing was found. Suddenly they heard foot steps John held onto his sister with terror. Nicole decided it was time for her to stand up and be the great big sister she had never been before. She flung her orange hair out of her frightened face. She hid John behind her and couighed out “it will all be okay I’m here I will protect you no matter what” than there came a low pitched creepy voice saying “die “ Nichole turned around to look at her brother she noticed something on the wall what is that ? wait OH MY GOSH ITS………


  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. The two kids crept quietly down the spooky corridor when all of a sudden out of nowhere a loud crash came from the door to their left, then a loud scream of a woman and if it couldn’t get any worse the lights flickered and one shattered loudly above them. With terror Jamion and Elise covered their heads and the floor collapsed beneath them, as they were being swallowed in the hole the floor above them closed up again trapping them down in a cellar. As cars crashed and more gunshots were fired in the world above, Elise tripped and fell on a round grey torch and then flipped her silky hair while picking it up luckily it was a wind up torch as she began to wind it up Once again a loud woman scream was heard, but not from a woman, from Jamion his hands were curled up over his eyes and his shirt was slowly peeling off his chubby tummy and Elise went all pale and struggled to breathe and then fell to the floor with a faint little bang. Jamion was sure she was gone, tears rolling down his face he tried to pick up Elise but his tummy was so chubby it was restricting him from reaching her. He had to leave her. Unfortunately he was terrified that he could go too but he turned around and saw a light come from Elise as a dark figure emerged from her, Jamion crept closer being quiet and saw Red finger marks on his sister’s throat More tears rolled down his face while his sisters face was rested and slim, Jamion’s was chubby and was sporting a angry expression but he was alive, he would get revenge for whoever had strangled his sister he stomped his feet and he noticed he wasn’t touching the ground and he felt a strong grasp on his throat and he to was struggling to find air . . .

    314 words – I know you said 150-200 but I couldn’t leave the main part of the story unfinished could I?

    Also P.S I deleted the first one because I miss punctuated a lot.

  6. The two kids crept quietly down the spooky corridor when all of a sudden out of nowhere…. Molly and Rolly have a sign of fear shiver down their backs, Rolly tries to hide his fear and Molly has wide eyes with black under them. Standing right in front of them was a great big, green disgusting monster with great big teeth as sharp as a needle. Along side of his mouth a drip of fresh blood comes running out of his mouth. Molly and Rolly start to run and run, but they couldn’t find their way out of the spooky house, Rolly was already tired with big smelly sweat comes running down his fore head. Molly is a fast runner; she has a yellow jacket and blue t-shirt and black long pants, which was her club uniform from school. Rolly is a computer freak and likes eating donuts, he also goes to an after school club with his sister Molly. Again and again they run round and round, they ran into a dead end. Stomp, stomp the great big monster caught them………..
    Helena- 184 words

  7. The two kids crept quietly down the spooky corridor when all of a sudden out of nowhere the coat rack fell and george and chardanae got the biggest fright and also the biggest butterflies in their stomach.George got scared and ran back down the corridor to get outside and as far as possible away from the house the chubby stubby boy used all his strength to push the door open (you have to pull the door)but it didnt work.Chardanae said hurry up george the older sister of 9 years of age and george only one mila-second younger they also got ginger hair and there parents are both blond.The two twins were checking all of the doors in the 69,696.9 square metres then george had an idea to split up and yell if they found something so they split up.Chardanae was at a door and it was the basement and she didnt know and she leaned over and fell down the stairs and the door slamed shut and while she was tumbling she screamed and fell unconcious she woke up half an hour later and chained to a wall then finally george found her but didnt get to get in the basement so who will save her george,herself,the police, or some random
    walking down the street

    By Zac

  8. The two kids crept quietly down the spooky corridor when all of a sudden out of nowhere out comes a monkey!!It is trying to tell Ella something(oldest girl)and her brother ben is trying to persuade Ella not to go in to any trouble!!AS they try and try to see what the monkey's problem is they find a floating baby on their way!!!Ben whispers "this has being getting weirder and weirder!!As time went past they finaly find out what the monkey wants and all he wanted was a banana!!but they didn't seem to have banannas but Ben had to have a chocolate bar so they gave it to the monkey and he was as happy as a kid with new cloths!!hay for the monkey!!hehehe.....Later on they just kept going and gonig until Ben said"a we ther yet?(they didnt even no where they we going!!) But then Ella new that they were going round and round in circles so they were stuck and they couldnt find their way back out..........Time went and days went on as the all sat their quietly even with the monkey and the floating baby!!and all of a sudden ben says" man i shouldn't of gave that monkey my chocolate bar!!!..........

  9. It was Halloween. Three kids went quietly into the house called ‘haunted house’. They were two dizygotic twins and young brother. They crept on upstairs where a lot of bats, spiders and rats waited for them. There were three rooms and each of them went to different room. Suddenly twins heard the scream of their brothers. They rushed to the room. There was nothing but blood and young brother. They tried to escape with young brother. Suddenly, they realized that there was no end of stairs. Young brother was changed to woman with a knife. She came nearer, but twin sister hold her Cross brace. She disappeared and they were moved just at the door. They hurried to their house. Mum asked her where her brothers were. There was no sign of her brother. There was only blood on her hands. She told her parents everything about the house. Next day, the police came to look for her brothers, but the house had disappeared completely. There were only two rings that her father had given her brothers and nobody saw them again.
    By Emily

  10. come on boys only 2 boys posted

    daniel :)

  11. The two kids crept quietly down the spooky corridor when all of a sudden out of nowhere ...Jumps out the most ugliest monster ever! Both kids screamed as the young blond girl 8 year old girl Kim shined the bright white torch on this ugly monster.The two boys at the back just screamed like little girls.The older boys name was John and the little baby boys name was Lucky, he wasn't as scared as john. All three of them screamed and jumped with fear, it was an awkward moment when the three kids and the monster just stared at each other like nothing had happened. The baby has started to cry as soon as a big wild dog came running out behind the monster, even the monster got scared and screamed. As all four of the monster and the kids ran as fast as they could to get away from the wild dog.They soon got to a two way path left or right... They stopped as there was a ending to this path then Suddenly out of nowhere jumped put the kids mother who had been a super hero who saved the day bye scaring the dog away with her big and awesome powers. Two hours later they found the exit out of the house and had been the only survivors. The next few weeks the family had moved out of this particular house that no one went near ever again and this family and all the rest lived happily ever after!!!:)

  12. The two kids crept quietly down the spooky corridor when all of a sudden out of nowhere ... out pops a little cute puppy dog. But that so called cute puppy dog wasn't what it seemed, it was a demon dog disguised in a cute dogs body. So The oldest girl took the dog round the house with her little brother. They walk past a door and the door swings open but there was no windows in that room so she walks into the room and the door shuts quickly, Shes scared her brothers gone disappeared! Rebekah can hear her little brother laughing , she looks around but cant see ANYTHING! Rebekah searches the room , nothing until... This boy Rebekah liked (Charlie) came and rescued her. Rebekah was just about to step in a trap that automatically sliced you. They both walked home safe but what happened to the little brother and the dog you ask? Well the little boy got rescued first and got taken home but the demon dog was waiting for Rebekah at her ...

  13. Nice To See 11 Posts We Need More Its THURSDAY TOMORROW!!

  14. The two kids crept quietly down the spooky corridor when all of a sudden out of nowhere this thing came through the picture with huge intense glasses and said "hi I'm Fred".In and second Sandy's sparkly orange blood hair jumped along with the rest of her body,Sam opened his dark eyes and mouth as if he was going to scream and he said "hi my name Sam".Then they heard a boom down the hall and they all went to study the mysterious noise as they got closer to the spot they where shaking as if they are in a snowstorm,but they finally got there and they found a lamp on the floor and Sandy said "just a stuiped lamp",but Fred feeling rather so smart said "but who knocked it down".They all decided to go to the kitchen since Sam wanted to eat,and when they got there they heard a noise "hoooo" they acted quick and got a rope,put a banana peel on the ground that Sam had used and finally hided in the freezer.then this pale white ghost came in and sliped on the banana then in a flash he was tied up by the kids,they called the cops and unmasked the ghost and it was Mr.T!!!!!!! and Mr.T said "I would have gotten away with it if it wasn't for you riccarton kids

    by Liban da man

  15. Out pops Billy T. He had lots of food and water so the kids went with him and had a great time. The kids were called John and Rebecca. John is a fat and pussy boy with short stubby arms and legs with a white shirt and yellow pants. Rebecca is a little smart skinny tall girl with long thin arms and legs. She has a blue shirt, yellow jacket and brown pants. When they finished with Billy t the two ginger hair kids had to go home. But when they had finished tea they went back to Billy t and had more food before their parents told them to come home for bed. The next day they were grounded for hanging out with a comedian. The end


  16. The two kids crept quietly down the spooky carridor when all of a sudden out of nowhere pops up a HUGE monster they didnt know where the monster came from they both ran in different ways the girl went into a safe spot but the guy went into a bad,bad way the guy went into a broken stairs.So the monster spoted the guy, so he followed the guy down the broken stairs the little guy`s name was Ben he was really scared he was crying his tears came down he was crying SO loud,the monster felt sorry for Ben the monster had a tear on his eyes.The monster opened the door where Ben was hidding,Ben throught that the monster was going to eat him but he didnt.The monster only wanted to find new friends Ben and the monster talked for a while they walk around the haunted house they call out Bens friends name,her name was Bella. Ben so Bellas light shinning.Ben told Bella he found a new friend so Ben showed Bella the cute and huge monster they all became really good friends.


  17. The two kids crept down the spooky corridor and all of a sudden out popped ... I'm not up to that part yet so yeah. The two kids are named Steve the boy and Mary the girl. Steve has the biggest bravest heart and has the eyes like a black hole and the mouth of Angelina Jolie.The nose like Pinocchio and the ears like an elf. Mary on the other hand has eyes like a blue pearl a mouth like the lip stick Kris and Nuusila were wearing today at rehearsal. The nose like a metallic metal shine and ears like well ears. Now - The two kids crept down the spooky corridor all of a sudden out popped a figure the size and shape of a skin-walker it was the two kids held hands and closed eyes then ran down the hall to a room the went in and pulled a string a box fell down and then another string they pulled turned on the light it was a bit fuzzy but yeah it worked. inside the elephantine box was a bunch of guns, silver knives and swords and seventeen boxes of silver bullets. They grabbed a whole lot of things and ran out of the room, they done all this kung fu stuff. Then they waited for 69.69696969 seconds before the skin-walker jumped down from the roof and landed on Steve it held him down for a while before Mary was brave enough to stab it in the back with a silver knife. Then Steve smacked it in the head with a shot gun loaded with a shot gun silver pallet round. he then manned up and shot it in the chest. It howled and then bit Steve on the shoulder hit him into the wall and ran out to the wolves hills. It 313howled once more and disappeared forever ever ever ever eveeeerrr. This is gonna be awesome. Zac was Steve but Steve was Mary and Mary was Zac but Mary was Steve and yeah.

  18. The two kids crept quietly down the spooky corridor when all of a sudden out of nowhere………….. A light turns round the corner and shines right in Blair’s face she ducks and crawls into the room that has the door open just a creek. Jake gets spotted his eyes grow huge he freezes, from fright then three boys yell out “WE HAVE GOT THE BOY NOW THE GIRL”. Jake gets taken away but where he is getting taken is unknown, Blair is scared to death and has no idea what to do. She remembers Jake with his Ginger short hair that sticks up. His eyes as big as light bulb that seem to grow bigger when scared, his double chin below is tiny mouth. Then all of a sudden the door creeks open and the light turns on the 3 boys stare at Blair all they can see is her long ginger hair, and her small mouth. Her whole body is shaking until everyone comes in and yells out........ FOUND YOU BLAIR!!!!

    Brianna 168 words

  19. The two kids crept quietly down the spooky corridor when all of a sudden out of nowhere CRACK...a wardrobe fell down in the roof and it opens by itself. Bryan and Lilly was looking at the light that came from the inside. After a minute later they can feel someone is dragging them and its the wardrobe that drags them and let them go inside. After they reach the end the door is starting to close. They saw a stairs they go up and suddenly CRACK...the stairs got collapse and they were just hanging up luckily there's a rope that came from the top and Lilly who's beside it grab it drag herself up and so as Bryan. As they reach the top they saw a little baby crying on the bed Lilly ran through the baby and like she wanted to carry it so she did. After a while the baby just smile and not just a normal smile but a monster smile the baby turns into a monster and became bigger and bigger so they run as fast as they could. They were running and running suddenly the monster disappear. They thought its already dead so they were walking but not happy they were still scared. They saw a little box and there was something crying. They open the box and when the open it and it was the baby who they saw the last time the baby become bigger the monster trap them......and I have no idea what the monster did to Bryan and Lilly find out more...


  20. It's 9:15 almost 9:16 we need to find away out of this haunted-like house by the way im Goerge or am i no wait i am yeah and this is my stupid sister Isabell (god she's annoying), anyway we were walking home when i suddenly saw this strange house so i wondered in and the door (like magic) just closed on me and Isabell. Now i'm stuck with her so we are walking down some deep dark corridor and we think we saw a creature of some sort but i personaly think it was nothing

    by michael

  21. The two kids crept quietly down the spooky corridor when all of a sudden out of nowhere came a baby ghost with snot dripping down. The two kids were shocked, they had never seen a ghost. The two kids got scared even more when they heard a small click, they were both looking around to see where that sound came from, then it brought them to the little chubby kid with snot coming out of his nose. Caleb the chubby kid on the left told penny quietly that he feels like the main character from the ghost whisperer talking to a ghost. They carried on walking threw the corridor then suddenly out of no where they all hear someone’s stomach rumble and as they carry on Caleb puts his torch facing down and as he walks he steps on something then he puts his hand on the floor and as he rose up he put his torch facing down then it says Cadbury picnic bar so he unwraps it and eats it. So they carry on walking then suddenly they see a that is approximately 2 miles away so they all run as fast as they can and when they finally get there they open the door they see a slide thinking that this is the way out so they jump in then 1 minute later they see a sign saying welcome to Sydney Australia.

  22. The two kids crept quietly down the spooky corridor when all of a sudden out of nowhere ... A little baby boy came out of the dark and said boo. The to children turn around in fear about to wet there pants. The young baby was holding a knife and name was Chuck. Chuck was a nice boy who lived in the haunted house. Chuck feeds on bugs and scraps. The two childrens where really scared un tell Chuck put down his knife. Chuck said hello to the children and they said hhhhhhi. (Chuck) ask what you all doing on my land? we got dared to come into your house for $100 a day. Ok lights on the lights turn on and a nice clean house full of fireworks. (Chuck) said come into my room where I have some beds and blankets there you can stay there so you can get your money I will stay in the speare room. by Alex

  23. The two kids crept quietly down the spooky corridor when all of a sudden out of nowhere they got into the house. The door just went flying open and they fell in to the house. There was a scream heard coming from one off the rooms so Nikki got scared. She had with blue orange hair and a blue t-shirt on and a yellow jersey on. The boy had the same clothes on so they bothfaint little bang. Jamion was sure she was gone, tears rolling down his face he tried to pick up Elise but his tummy was so chubby it was restricting him from reaching her. He had to leave her. Unfortunately he was terrified that he could go too but he turned around and saw a light come from Elise as a dark figure emerged from her, Jamion crept closer being quiet and saw Red finger marks on his sister’s throat More tears rolled down his face while his sisters face was rested and slim, Jamion’s was chubby and was sporting a angry expression but he was alive, he would get revenge for whoever had strangled his sister he stomped his feet and he noticed he wasn’t touching the ground and he felt a strong grasp on his throat and he to was struggling to find air . . . went up the stairs they heard ghost in the house they got scared but the have to look around the house to see if their baby brother is in the he is wearing screamed, her freckles seemed to be screaming with her. Tommy shrieked and started dusting imaginary spiders off himself while paying no attention to the looming figure just ahead of them…
    By Keith

  24. The two kids crept quietly down the spooky corridor when all of a sudden out of nowhere the door was shut and locked. It was 31st of November 2011, they were playing hide n seek, suddenly they found the long corridor and entered it, BANG! the door was shut thoroughly, young SBW was freaked out, young DC cried and Vehar the girl, was not scared, because she's tough. They walked along the corridor, and there was a hole, SBW fell in the hole, luckily DC grabbed his hand strongly. And then after he pulled up Sonny, they sprinted really fast like Usain Bolt, 150km. After they reached the other side of the door, the sun came up, they're imagining they're at the beach. But apparently it was just a dream, but the corridor thing was true. There was 3 doors, they went through all of the doors, one was the rugby field, two was the beach and three was timezone. Afterwards the corridor shrink. Until it went smaller, the kids shrink, due to the fact that the corridor made the kids smaller. To be continued......

  25. The two kids quietly crept down the corridor regretting every step as echoes filled the house. Riley flung her head around letting her long gingery hair sway from side to side, her mother had platted it that morning making sure it was picture perfect for the school photos, but know it was like a hay stack that had been dumped onto her head. Her big round eyes glowed a light blue colour, like torches in the dark. Hanging onto Riley’s yellow jacket was Bob who hung on for dear life. His amazingly round tummy bulged in front of him stopping him from moving fast. He dangled and swayed trying to follow Riley’s steps, but occasionally stopping to take a big breath. Gulping as the wind blew the old wooden house rocking it from side to side. Sweat rolled down Bobs back, the kids moved slowly through the house. Shadows raced across the walls, and then out of nowhere a……

  26. The two kids crept down the corridor when all of a sudden out of nowhere the ghost of Davey Jones jumped out of the wall giving the girl and boy both with orange hair with frightened smirks blue tops and yellow jackets. The fright of their life’s. The girl is a 13 teen year, her name is missy and she loves to wear her favourite Nike top dc shoes. She has big eyes and loves Justin beibber. The boy is a chubby 11 year old boy I think yeah that’s right ‘’right’’ he still sleeps in his mums bed but loves his dragon ball z video games. You can see the Davey Jones has taken the form of an innocent little child and is terrorising the house hold of the Achmids

    by ethan 132 words
